Embarrassing Moments

posted on: Friday, May 10, 2013

Do I even need to point out which one I am?

I’m not going to be the person that claims to never get embarrassed. Okay. Fine. I am. I never get embarrassed. Maybe “never” is an exaggeration, but either way, I’m struggling over here trying to think of a truly embarrassing moment. Well… there was the time my sister got lice from the babysitter’s and all my friends thought I had lice too and made fun of me for it, but that was mostly just mean (*side eye glare* to my friends, you know who you are, *cough* Sissy). For the record, I never got my sister’s lice. Take that, meanies.

There was also the time (last summer, but you didn’t hear that from me) that I laughed soooo hard I literally could.not.help. but empty my entire bladder, in my white shorts, on the lawn of the Utah State Capitol Building, but that story really is for another day. Trust me.

One of my favorite claims to embarrassment (except it’s not embarrassing, it’s just hilarious) happened back in, oh, let’s say fifth grade-ish. You might remember when I talked about my love affair with Boyz II Men HERE. My love for those smooth R&B harmonies began right around the time the picture above was taken. In all honesty, I was probably battling some “daddy issues” at the time which is probably why I made my friend, Libby, pinky swear (because it was serious, dude) to never reveal who my real dad was. I mean, I figured it was probably obvious because he and I strikingly resembled each other, but still Libby swore she’d never tell anyone that I was a product of the one and only Wanya Morris of Boyz II Men. He was my dad (duh) but he obviously couldn’t be around because he was off wooing audiences full of screaming adult women, and recording albums and accepting awards. Which leads me to the moment of truth. Grammy night. The phone rang, after 9:00 p.m., which was “off-limits” time for a nine-year old. It was Libby asking if I could talk. I’m sure she was totally let down when Mom told her it was too late for me to talk, in which case our pinky-swear was thrown right out the window and she said to my mom, “Well, I’m watching the Grammy’s and Boyz II Men is on and I just really want to know which one her dad is.” Oops. As you can imagine, Mom and I had a good heart to heart that night and I learned a lesson about getting caught lying. Let’s just say that today, I’m much better at NOT getting caught.

So, embarrassing? Not really. I just love that story and wanted an excuse to tell it.


  1. hahaha BUSTED! I, for almost that entire post, seriously thought you were telling me that your dad was seriously in Boyz II Men. I was about to fly out to have my picture taken with you tomorrow. Who cares that it's the kid's birthday!?!

    And the peeing your pants last year in a public place? You NEED to spill on that one.

  2. Ohhh my goodness. White shorts. SO need to hear that story!

  3. Ahahahaahah. Those lies we tell when we're young. I don't remember getting caught, but man I'm sure I did.

    P.S. I think Christina up there emailed me her frustration in trying to track you down, no? You might just be the girl. I think she and were unknowingly on the same page, as I tried to track this girl down who kept saying the nicest things to me.. I must continue on.. to next post..

    this is lengthy, geez.

    1. I fixed it! What the heck. I'm not as savvy with this internet thing as I thought I was. And for the record, does ANYONE even use Google+?! I was wondering why my blogger was all of a sudden connected to Google+...


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