the best thing to ever grace the www.

posted on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bless your heart, Todrick Hall. You have successfully made my day for like three weeks straight. What kind of genius people come up with this stuff and where are they?! I want to befriend them and you will too as soon as you hit play. Hope you’re having a great week! Either way, it’s about to get better. You’re welcome.



  1. Oh my gosh I don't even want to talk about how many times my husband and I have watched this video. It seriously kills us! Love your blog!!

    1. It's hilarious right?! Makes me so happy everytime! xo

  2. LOL! I hadn't seen that one before. Too funny.
    I nominated you for an award lovely lady, click over to my bloggy blog and check it out. :)
    Hope you're having a great week!

    1. Amy, you're the best! Hope you're off to a great week as well! xoxo


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