Goblins and grasshoppers and bears, oh my!

posted on: Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good news. I have a new iphone. You cared, I’m sure. It totally sucked. Okay it really didn’t. Well losing it did, and paying for a new one did, but being without it wasn’t really so bad. In fact, I kind of liked it. But I’m relieved to be back online, or should I say, 3G? And I missed instagram most. Documenting mostly pointless moments throughout my day just does something for me I guess.

I’ve seriously had nothing to write about lately. So pardon my absence. Again, I’m sure you cared. I’ve been working, catching up on episodes of Game of Thrones, and sleeping. In that order. For a week. It was a complete headache. But this afternoon, we head out to Yellowstone and I am way super excited. I’ve never been to Yellowstone. And Honey’s whole family is going and I’m seriously not pulling your leg when I tell you that his parents know about every single awesome spot in the entire continental United States. They’re like bona fide national tour guides. It’s going to be so much fun.

And since we’re talking about fun, and camping and outdoor things like that, Honey and I spent a few incredibly awesome days in Goblin Valley two weekends ago. We camped and hiked through the slot canyons of Little Wild Horse and Ding & Dang and we ran amuck with the goblins. I’m so in love with this Utah place. There is so much beauty here, and I’ve got a whole lotta pictures to prove it…

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It was a weekend that my soul desperately needed. Good company, beautiful scenery, sunshine and silence.

I have pictures of the actual Valley of Goblins (amazing). However they are on my other camera and I haven’t quite figured out the whole upload thing with that one. But I will. Soon enough.

But anyway, cross your fingers I won’t get eaten by bears while I’m away. That really happens in Yellowstone! So, if you don’t hear from me in a week, well, it’s been real.




  1. that looks gorgeous! isn't it amazing what some time in nature can do for your mind/spirit!? Have so much fun in Yellowstone!

    1. Nature is the BEST for rejuvenating the soul! Hope you had a wonderful weekend and congrats (again) on the 5K! xo

  2. You're pictures are fantastic! I love the one with the grasshopper. I would have missed it if I wouldn't have looked carefully. Love your writing voice, too. Excited to read more!

    1. Thanks Amy! There were grasshoppers and lizards all over the red rock. It was awesome! xo


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