total eclipse of the heart

posted on: Monday, May 21, 2012


I’m somewhat obsessed with the happenings of outer space, and it’s totally in that ‘weirdo’ kind of way, but whatever. Since falling under the fascinating spell of Ancient Aliens (it’s true), I’m even more mesmerized with what goes on beyond our atmosphere in this incredible big huge universe that we’re a part of. So last night, we enjoyed ourselves a rare treat. The moon passed in front of the sun creating an annular solar eclipse, and Honey and I saw it all happen through great big telescopes and special glasses. I had been looking forward to it all weekend, in fact, I even revisited those old “Bill Nye the Science Guy” days and created my very own pinhole projector. Science rocks. And that solar eclipse. Well, it was everything I wanted it to be. Astonishing. Really, it was so awesome. A magnificent sight. And watching that dear old sun slowly gobbled up made me realize just how much I love that sun (love you too, moon. don’t worry). But I do. I really love that majestic ball of fire. So, hallelujah Summertime! And thanks for the show, Sun and Moon. There’d be no life without you. Haha… no really… there wouldn’t.




  1. thats a cool pic! we missed the eclipse, but Im glad you enjoyed it!

    1. I hear the next one visible from the West Coast will be in 2017. Not too long from now! xo

  2. kate, i just saw your comment on nat's blog about a cookie party. if you're in, i'm in!

  3. Bill Nye would be so proud! And now I'm off to get that song stuck in my head all day long haha.


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