i will always love you

posted on: Sunday, February 12, 2012


Honey and I are boycotting Valentine's Day.

Okay, we're not really, I just have to work. So, we had our own 'mini-vday' Saturday night. We gorged enjoyed a delicious dinner, then tossed a coin to decide whether or not we would continue our romantic outing at the arcade or (my choice -->) go home and cuddle up to some Whitney Houston (who is a treasure, btw. May you rest in peace, Ms. Whitney). The arcade won, but in true form, I was the 'Queen of the Night' and still managed to finish it off reliving my dear childhood in Honey's arms. He had no idea I could hit all the high notes in 'I Will Always Love You', and was super impressed (which might be a total exaggeration. Okay it is)


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