
posted on: Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Things that scare me:

Infertility. Yet as bad as I want those babies someday, I’m equally afraid of poopy “blowouts”. On the same note, I’m afraid of waiting too long for babies and then trying, only to find out that we should’ve started trying years earlier.

Death. It’s the only guarantee in this life and somehow I find myself hoping that it just miiiiight skip over me… in 75 years of course.

Spiders. Because who isn’t afraid of spiders? Once, I discovered a freshly hatched batch of teeny-tiny baby spiders. Like 100 of them (not joking). Get this… WANDERING ALL OVER MY SHOWER CURTAIN! Isn’t that the scariest thing you’ve ever imagined!?

Flying. Turbulence sucks and scares the hell outta me. On our flight home from Hawaii in January, I legitimately prepared myself to die. You know when Denzel flies the plane upside down in the movie Flight? I swear to you, that plane I was on felt like it was one bump away from flying flat on it’s back. Ugh, turbulence. You scurr me.

Working a desk job Don’t get me wrong, some people are really good at this. I, on the other hand, shutter at the thought of working a regular day job for the rest of my life. My creativity must be nourished and (between you and I) a law office really is no place for creative nourishment, or at least the kind I crave. However, don’t mistake this for ungratefulness. I’m very very grateful for my job. I promise.

What makes your bones shiver with fear?




  1. Oh my GOODNESS! Right when I started reading your spider one, I was about to tell you a story of someone that I read who said there bed looked like it was moving and it was a bunch of baby spiders. AGHHH! Then I saw your thing about your shower curtain, and that is right up there with it. That's absolutely awful. And I'm not even that scared of spiders!

    I love the "working at a desk job forever." I luckily don't have to and hope I never do. And I hope you are able to figure out the next venture that works for you!

  2. Found you via SOML. Infertility was a huge fear of mine too. And spiders? Nasty. They should ALL die.

  3. I really really hate spiders but living in Australia for a year has allowed me to somewhat get over that fear since they were much much bigger and always around.
    I look forward to having a creative job as well. One that I am extremely passionate about.
    Found your blog via the blog challenge.

  4. It'S funny to see that many people mentioned being affraid of spiders... we are womens aren't we? :) otherwise I agree with you on the last point. I wouldn't like to work in the same office for my whole life. I believe I won't but the image of it scares me a lot. I don't mind flying so I would rather do that :P

  5. Working a desk job forever? I think I just got nauseated.


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