Managing conflict o.c.d.

posted on: Thursday, May 2, 2013

Let it be known that I severely suffer from something called Conflict O.C.D. Don’t laugh. This is a real problem, my friends.
Conflict O.C.D. begins when one (me) is very particular about the order and way in which things, mostly organization, budgeting and household things, are completed. For example, what’s the point in vacuuming BEFORE you dust?! And if we’re talking about dusting, doesn’t everyone know that it must ALWAYS be done from the top of the bookshelf to the bottom?! And how in the world am I supposed to keep up with all my bills if I don’t even know when they’re due?! Oh the complexities of it all! The ‘conflict’ in Conflict O.C.D. occurs when that same very particular and obsessive person (me) just sincerely cannot keep up with her busy mind that wanders to and fro every .07 seconds resulting in a sad short-term memory that lasts roughly around 13 minutes or so.  Anyway, what were we talking about again?
Have no fear, I’ve come up with a solution! A solution that works, I tell you! Around most people, I call it my “Organization Binder”, but at home it’s known as my “Organization Bible”, because the truth is, until this bad boy came around, my soul was seriously lost.
Currently, my Organization Bible consists of four tabs (but there’s plenty of room to grow): Finances, Household, Menu Planning, and Get Fit!. I guess that goes for saying that these are the four areas of my life that need the most help (aside from the tragically needed mental help which I just think is a lost cause anyway).
So without further ado, I give you the contents of the only solution to managing my Conflict O.C.D., my Organization Bible:
First up: FINANCES
Now before you take a look at my Monthly Budget Guidelines, I must point out that these are, as it states, GUIDELINES. Do I follow this budget? I try to. Am I perfect at it every month? Absolutely not. These are meant to give me an idea of how much I’d like to spend in certain areas of my life and where I can cut back. I try not to beat myself up every time I spend a little extra here or there or have to pull some money out of savings. It’s ooookay. But this little gem certainly serves it’s purpose and helps my cluttered brain stay financially on track (most of the time.)
Budget Guidelines
Download my Budget Guidelines HERE.
My Annual Bill Schedule is a lifesaver. I’m all about lists. I LOVE me a good detailed list. But what I love more than a list is crossing items off of said list. My annual bill schedule is a nice interactive way for me to know what needs to be paid and when. And the best part of this “list” is getting to add my little checkmark in the allotted box every time each monthly bill is paid. Oh how that checkmark fills me with such joy! It’s the little things, right?!
Bill Schedule
Download a blank Annual Bill Schedule HERE.
Before you go off thinking I’m nuts, this cleaning schedule is pure gold. Rather than designating entire Saturday’s to cleaning the house, we are now able to devote a mere 15-20 minutes each day to tidying up our humble abode. I’ve split the schedule into daily, weekly and monthly tasks and I’ve also included the things that need to be done semi-annually (spring cleaning makes my heart sing!) as well as annually. Nowadays we’re stuck trying to figure out what in the heck we are to do with all this extra time on the weekends?! What a terrible “problem” to have, right?
Cleaning Schedule
Download my Cleaning Schedule HERE.
My household Inventory Checklist is just that – an inventory of the things that make life at home smooth sailing. Because who actually LIKES to run out of deodorant on their way out the door for work? Not me. This bad boy ensures that such tragedies just won’t happen.
Household Inventory Checklist
Download a Household Inventory Checklist HERE.
I get really excited over this one. Sean and I try very hard to eat healthy and whole and cook at home the majority of the time. We shop on the weekends and prepare much of our food for the upcoming week on Sundays. I like to always have a big salad in the fridge for those moments when you just can’t find aaaanything to eeeeat. You know the kind of moments I’m talking about. I’m always super proud of our grocery lists. We plan out each dinner meal for the week (because let’s be honest, I can only commit to cooking ONE meal per day) and by doing so, we are able to shop for only the things we need for said week. It’s brilliant and saves us time and money and who could possibly complain about that?!
Grocery List and Menu
Download a Grocery List and Dinner Menu HERE.
Last, but quite frankly probably the most important is my Get Fit! tab. This is where I have to hold myself accountable for getting up off my butt and actually moving. This is also the area of my life that provides me with a very necessary small dose of true sanity.  And truth be told, this Get Fit! calendar has helped me so much! In the last eight weeks, I’ve probably crossed off more consistently completed days than ever before in my life. I’m still rockin’ love handles, but practice makes perfect right!?

Get Fit Goals
Download my blank Get Fit! Goals HERE.

And there you have it, friends. My Organization Bible. Useful, am I right?! Please feel free to download each helpful document and change them to reflect your needs and household. And by all means, come back sometime and tell me how it’s working for you! Happy O.C.D.-ing!


  1. Oh my gosh girl (I hope it's ok I just called you girl)! I love this post and I am EXACTLY like this. I just created my "home management" binder two days ago. I love yours and will use some of your tips. Thanks for sharing. I will post my binder in a month when I've used it a bit and made it pretty...yep, conflict OCD! I'm so glad someone understands. Found you through the link up.

    1. Welcome Olivia!
      I totally understand OCD probs! Can't wait to see your binder!

  2. This makes me weak in the knees. Too. Much. Awesomeness!!

    Did you design them yourself?! I think it's one of those things I love the idea of but would fall off the wagon using WAY too fast. hahah I actually wrote a post about getting more organized in the cleaning department about a year ago, and only slightly got better. Maybe I need to just give this bad boy a spin... It's a dream boat organizer! ;)

    1. Thanks Christina. I simply put them together on a day I obviously should have been cleaning but instead chose not to. Life changer, this binder has been. I'm totally borderline O.C.D. yet I can hardly pay attention long enough to actually get anything done so this has helped so much!

  3. This conflict OCD thing is blowing my mind, because you definitely just described me. Maybe I need to add some more organization to my life.


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