I got 99 Problems But a…

posted on: Friday, May 24, 2013


I am bossy. I like to be in charge. It’s a quality about myself that I have a real tough love/hate relationship with. It’s one of the those things I’m talking about when I tell Sean, “There are just some things about me that I happen to LOVE even though it drives you crazy so you should probably just learn to love it too”. Poor guy. He has a lot of patience. But really, I am a boss. It stems from being the big-sister-in-charge and it compliments my sometimes obnoxious and strong personality, but ‘tis true, it’s annoying, and sometimes I catch myself being bossy for no good reason other than to be bossy and I’m like, “really dude? grow up”, but alas, it’s just who I am… so YOU should probably learn to love it too, mmmkay?


I start projects. Lots and lots of them. I have a brain full of a million ideas per minute, so I start multiple projects all at once. And then….

…okay so I’m not so good at finishing my projects. I finish them, I do, it just takes me a long while which explains why there are still bottles of acrylic paint, and sponge brushes, and canvas scattered about my living room floor, but truuuuuust me the finished product will be sooo worth it…. next month.


I am moody. Ugh. I said it. I hate being moody. But you guys, I.Am.So.Moody. The first step to recovery is accepting your problems and here, at this very moment, I am accepting my moodiness. Geeze, I’m so sorry. To all my friends and family who know this about me, I’m so sorry. It’s like, can’t we all just keep granola bars on hand whenever I’m around so we can avoid this issue? I’m really emotional, and I like that about myself. But oh man, those emotions, when they start yanking at my heart, or fluttering around in my stomach, or pounding in my head, I get all sorts of uncomfortable, or happy, or anxious, or sad, or frustrated and if the combination is right, I get moody. Because, “just leave me alone I have THINGS to think about!” at which time you need to jam that granola bar in my mouth and shut me up. It’s amazing what a full stomach can do for moodiness, amiright?

I’ve got probs, man. I’ve got probs.



  1. Haha, I loved this!!!

    I think I'm an undercover bossy person. Like, I've learned to really suppress it, but I think there's a part of me that's just dying to kind of... boss people around. Haha.

    And I am particularly moody when I am hungry. Keep me well fed, and it's all good. Let me go hungry and heads will ROLL! :)


  2. I loved this post!! Instead of bossy think of yourself as a boss lady. Lemons out of lemonade ya know! Lol hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Or lemons into lemonade...case of the Friday brain lol

  4. I think you just need to accept your moodiness. I've decided it's too ingrained in someone to get out. That's probably my way of coping with the moody one in the house though (hint, hint... NOT me. ;))

    And not finishing projects? bahaha I still have a half knit scarf in a drawer that I was working on... 8 YEARS AGO. It's too detailed and pretty to just throw away, but I don't even know if my fingers can do all that anymore.

  5. Hahaha... the granola bar thing cracks me up because, for whatever reason, I always have to have granola bars on hand, too. Not just any granola bars, either. It's amazing what a granola bar can fix :) Come to think of it, I'm guilty of the "...next month" thing, too.

  6. As a fellow moody person. I totally get this. But I also love being able to get so excited about something. My husband is much more level and he doesn't get nearly as excited about things as I do.


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