i wanna be like you

posted on: Thursday, March 15, 2012


I look like my mom. People have always told me that, and I’ve always been just fine with it. My mom is lovely. A beautiful woman in every sense of the word, and a little part of me (or maybe a whole lot of me) loves that I resemble her. Last night, Mom was presented with the 2012 Hilda B. Jones Special Educator of the Year Award, and while there are no words to explain how I truly feel about her, I just can’t believe that this incredible-amazing-inspiring-extraordinary-remarkable-brilliant-woman is my mother (okay, I can totally believe it, but you know what I mean). I just might be THE luckiest girl on the planet because I resemble this crazy-funny-smart-kind-special-woman. As I left the banquet in her honor last night, my heart was full of gratitude for all of the students and professionals within the Special Education field that were recognized, but especially for my mama. Who I look like. But who, most importantly, I am so inspired to BE like.


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  1. My precious Kaiti girl,
    You are an AMAZING writer! This is beautiful! I am the blessed one, to have a daughter like you! I love you so so dearly!
    :) Mama

  2. ONE: I had no idea that you had your own blog!

    TWO: I had no idea how multi talented you are. You are a wonderful writer.

    Three: It was great to see you all, this past weekend.

    Four: Love you niece!


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