Sometimes & Always

posted on: Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I'm the one making the 'x' that actually looks like an 'x'. Lyndsey, on the other hand, must've thought we were drawing stars.

Today I'm linking up with, Megan, from Mackey Madness. She's a doll. The Southern Belle I've always kind of wished I could be (I did spend a few months of my life in South Carolina, does that count?)
Every Tuesday she features, Sometimes & Always (read on. you'll find out). Great idea, right? I thought so too, so I'm going to join in on the fun!
Here goes...

Sometimes: I plan on waking up early so I can go on a run and have time to shower before work.
Always: I hit snooze twelve times and end up rushing to make it out the door in time. Don't worry, I always remember to brush my teeth, if anything.

Sometimes: I DO wake up early enough to get things done.
Always: I lay in bed blogging until 10:00am so it doesn't even matter.

Sometimes: I hate working.
Always: I'm glad I have a j.o.b.

Sometimes: I bite my nails.
Always: I snap at Honey for biting his like it's the grossest thing on earth. 

Sometimes: I make delicious dinners and desserts.
Always: My kitchen stays messy for at least 24 hours after. But it's a small price to pay.

Sometimes: I wish I lived someplace far away.
Always: I'm glad I'm near my family and bff's.

There you have it. My very first edition of, Sometimes & Always. 
Blogosphere friends are awesome. Thanks for the fun, Megan!


  1. Sometimes I lovely fam and sometimes they tpdrive me crazy! Enter to win 5 shirts from StyleMint!

  2. OOO I wish I could lay in bed and blog until 10 haha how ideal :) haha I loved reading this post.

  3. This is a great post! I love this idea! And the kitchen thing is the story of my LIFE!

    xx Melina
    .but i like it.

  4. haha i always do that with my nails too ;)

  5. I always plan to wake up early too! Then I turn my alarm off and go back to bed haha!

  6. Oh my gosh, I adore your SandAs!! You did such a great job!! I totally am with you on the hitting snooze a million times!! Haha!!!

    Thanks so much for linking up with me!!!


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