the sweetest thing

posted on: Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I've always thought, Peeve, would be a funny pet name. Pet Peeve. Ha.

When we got our family dog, she was already named. Sweetie.
Pretty lame, I know.
She was three years old and the most awkward little thing you've ever seen. Skinny and just plain awkward. Not to mention, she had no tail. Nope. Just a little stub of a tail.

Everyone thinks they have the World's Greatest Dog. Everyone thinks that their relationship with their dog is more extraordinary than their neighbors. And everyone is probably right. In which case, I have the World's Greatest Dog. Our relationship is such a sweet (no pun intended) and pure friendship and I just love her so much. I'm pretty sure she loves me so much too, as I am most definitely her obvious favorite.

I'm thankful for Sweetie. She, much like everyone in my family, is a little bit awkward and better looking from certain angles, but she has a heart of pure gold and just wants to be a "good girl". She, and we, as in my family, were a match made in dog heaven and as she nears her older age and is beginning to slow down a bit, I'm especially thankful for her companionship and comfort.

Cheers to family dogs. Every family needs a "Sweetie Pie".


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