Thirty Days and Thirty Thanks

posted on: Tuesday, November 1, 2011

'Tis the season to be thankful! This is truly the best time of the year to reflect and be merry and I'm going to celebrate it by reminding myself of something I'm thankful for every day during the month of November. Yep, all thirty days of it. This way I won't have as much time to wallow in self-pity and feel sad about the looming frigid winter season, which in my opinion, isn't really necessary once the presents are opened and the tree comes down.
Okay, I'm lying. Lately, I've surprised myself by not whining over the disappearance of sundresses and swimsuits. I'm actually a tad bit excited to bundle it all up. Perhaps it has something to do with the healthy twenty-five pounds I've gained since last winter and being pleased as punch to pack away the summertime clothes that no longer fit, but honestly, I'm kind of looking forward to scarves, hot chocolate and most nights spent at home. Which brings me back to the business at hand...


I never thought I'd find myself feeling this way, but today I'm grateful for the beauty of four seasons. Don't get me wrong, I'm still grateful for the possibility of someday having one endless season of tropical blue skies, but I guess you could say, I've grown to really love the changing of the seasons. Each season brings something new to look forward to. In the summertime, I get to spend endless hours in the sun (lathered up with a strong SPF, of course!), hike to the tops of mountains and cliffs, and shop the finest and freshest of the good ol' Farmer's Markets. Then Fall slowly (or quickly, depending on the mood of Utah's impulsive weather) rolls in and the bright reds, oranges, yellows and greens compliment the always beautiful sunsets. My sleeveless tops are tucked away and replaced with soft sweaters and if I'm lucky, the aroma of something delicious baking will usually grace my kitchen once a week or so. Then the snows come. Then they go. Then they come again. And go again. And Fall and Winter battle it out until Winter wins and the snow sticks around a bit longer. Maybe my excitement for Winter has something to do with my carefully mapped out "Winter Wants Preparedness Items", but now I'm getting off track. I really do love a quiet snow-covered street (mostly while looking out the window) and I especially love peppermint lattes. And after the joy and cheer run out and the excitement of a new year fades, the snow turns to rain and the world is renewed by Spring and a plethora of joggers. 
I'm thankful to be a part of the changing of the seasons, to experience renewal and to live in such a beautiful place.



  1. I love them too. When I've lived anywhere that's eternally balmy or sunshiny it makes me sad. I LIKE the excitement the change in air brings. Just when you're sick of one season, the next one rolls right in. Although, I think fall could last a little longer, but that's just because it's my favorite....

  2. I wish fall and winter would switch. Winter can last one month and Fall can last six :)


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