Favorite Post(s)

posted on: Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Duuuude you guys, I’m behind on this blogging challenge. I know. I know. I don’t even really know what I missed to be honest, the last few days are a blur. A good blur, but a blur nonetheless.

On a side note, has anyone watched North America yet?! I swear, I’ve felt more patriotic pride in the two hours of watching that show than I’ve felt in the last 27.5 years and that’s A LOT of pride because Heaven knows I love this land. *Que America the Beautiful*

Anyway, it’s a real treat. Go watch it and we’ll talk about those dang jumping spiders later.

Getting on with it….


Today’s blogging challenge topic (are you serious, Jenni? Kidding. You’re great. But realllly….). My favorite posts, well, I don’t really have any favorites. Most of my favorite posts have actually been hidden from my public feed because well, “Hi Mom!”, yea, you get it. But seriously, it just feels awkward going through my past blog posts. Does that happen to you? You read things you’ve written in the past and they just make you feel… I dunno, weird? Maybe it’s just me.

But since I shouldn’t leave you empty handed (because, well, if I did that I’d be FOUR days behind this darn challenge and I’m not even sure I’ll be able to make up the already lost three days), I’ll leave you with THIS post, and it has nothing to do with what I’ve written, it has everything to do with the video attached to the post. You’ll see. It was a dang (I’m trying to be more ladylike and less sailorlike) gooood day in the life of my family. Also (like you’ll care), my sister, Shelby, who put the video together just signed away her rights to it so it could be used in Carrie Underwood’s upcoming video for her song, “See You Again”. No, I’m not kidding. Yes, it’s that awesome.

If you think I cheated you and you really want to browse through my awkward posts, and I don’t blame you if you don’t, I’ve listed some posts over to the right side there under,’New Here?’. Knock yourself out.


Oh. And as if I haven’t “plugged” my family enough lately, check out Alex’s new song that he co-wrote with John Legend and his video that premiered on MTV this morning. He’s going places! (And I wanna come too, Alex, I wanna come too. So can I have dibs on a Grammy ticket?!)



  1. I'm kind of over the topics at this point. I'm guessing we're not the only two missing days.


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